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Owning Your Peace, A Message from a Hummingbird

Updated: Jul 26, 2022

The loud drone of her wings behind me startled me out of my thoughts. Hovering head-high, she pulsed and darted back and forth toward her reflection in the window. I held my breath, silently sending out a warning to avoid the glass on pain of death. I watched her look back at me and pause. Then she casually flew to the flowers, exuding an aura of nonchalance, like it hadn't been a big deal anyway, like she knew she was only looking at herself. I could almost see her eyes roll.

These little jewels, the Rufous Hummingbird, are actually very territorial and aggressive. They buzz rivals and will chase them off for quite a distance. Their lives depend on it, given how much energy they need to sustain the high vibration of their metabolism. Try to take their food and you will see their mean streak. Fast and agile, they can move in any direction in an instant, pivoting and adapting to whatever life brings their way. Watching them lifts the spirit and disperses negativity. We are enchanted with the playfulness of their movements, the dance-on-air joy of the moment, and an honouring of the natural cycles of life.

I sat with the synchronicity of this visit for awhile, reflecting on how it coincided with my thoughts and life events. Like a visit from a fairy or an angel, there is a certain magic to the experience. The timing, right as I was reviewing in my mind the meeting with a book marketing specialist who is helping me, right at the time of a major life change, releasing a book about living in the liminal place between science and spirituality, is intriguing.

On the surface, hummingbirds are ancient symbols of joy and happiness, reminders to savour the joys of life and live to the fullest. So symbolically, this little visitor, this spiritual helper speaks of hope and faith, an understanding that everything has happened for a reason. Honouring my walk on the earth, knowing that the grief has led me here to this moment where I can move forward, reconnected with my core essence, to rebuild from a foundation that aligns with my true purpose, this is a powerful symbol. A powerful message from a sweet, little hummingbird with a lot of confidence and the will to stand her ground, a message to perhaps own this as part of my walk on the earth, my tellurian path, to own it with peace, love and harmony, and no small amount of faith.

If hummingbird speaks to you, perhaps you should do the same.

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