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Wherein You Sense Connection to All That Is - Echoes in the Dark

Updated: Jul 26, 2022

The snow from last night is melting and the sound it makes as it slumps to the ground from the highest tree branches, plucks at my heartstrings like the base rhythm notes of a distant and earthy folk song reaching out from the mists that rise up in wisps from the forest floor. Breathing deeply, the fragrance of wet pine needles and dark, cool earth saturate my being, feeding me with life, teasing long-forgotten feels of childhood treks through woods and meadows from the long dark of my memories. My shoes make a scrunching feel on the soles of my feet as I walk in the dampness of the gravel path.

A whisper of something, just at the edge of my awareness. Ethereal and not easily grasped or examined, it tickles at my soul. This is the liminal time and place here among the trees, the earth's soft breath in, between dusk and night, when the whole world seems to hush and wait... for something.

There it is! A far off wheeze of air, the building of a small but powerful bellow. With a squeak and whistle of air, it is released. Growing in magnitude with a startling depth of character and resonance, the donkey brays. His solitary evening serenade, a rich sonata, ushering in the dark. He calls out into the starlit universe, in expectation. A pause, and there it is. Far off, a faint but hopeful call rises over the treetops, the sound waves reaching with echoing finger-like tendrils to provide a serene embrace of the soul. You are not alone. You are never alone.


What do the echoes in the dark say to you?

In the deepest corners of your mind?

Is the solitary aloneness of a disconnected world that whispers to us of supreme individuality and separateness, feeding your heart, your soul, or is it breaking it?

What if I told you that nature's self-balancing tendencies could help you with your own work / life balance? What if Nature could help you on your healing journey? Did you know that even though you are taught that you are an individual, separate from nature, there is, in actual fact, no separation at all? We are all connected. What does that even mean in a world filled with feelings of isolation and loneliness? How do you tap into that connection? If you want to learn more about nature immersion, about how nature can help you ease the stress and tension, reconnect you with your innermost self and boost your confidence and wellbeing, easily, subtly and with grace, begin with a beginners mind. Discover and explore the basics in The Book On Nature Immersion, Honouring Your Tellurian Path.

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